Introducing PHR!
The State of Tamil Nadu has established the Population Health Registry Comprehensive Health Information Technology Platform as a health security initiative to extend the benefits of digital technology with a vision to transform Tamil Nadu into a digitally empowered society that provides affordable and accessible health care to all in a secure and reliable manner. The initiative is founded on the concept of providing a unique health identification (UHID) number to all citizens residing in the state, including migrants, to enable data-driven decision-making at all stages.
ABDM Integration with PHR
ABDM (Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission) has integrated with the TNPHR application called ABHA Health Records Application, through which patients health records can be maintained.
HIMS Integration with PHR
The HMIS Portal facilitates the flow of physical performance from the facility level to the sub-district, district, state, and national levels using a web-based Health Management Information System (HMIS) interface. The portal provides periodic reports on the status of the health services performances and the human resources and infrastructure services facilities available.

TN-PHR’S Admin Portal
Admin Portal is used to manage the TN-PHR application. some of the components are User management,Facility,Street and PDS etc

TN-PHR’S Community App
TN-PHR Community App is used to enumerate the total population of the state of Tamil Nadu and provide health screening for beneficiaries and patients (i.e., for MTM, PBS, etc.

TN-PHR’S Dashboard
TNPHR dashboard is used for Monitoring and Mentoring the User's performance by (Women Health Volunteers, Mid Level Health Provider, Pain and Palliative Staff Nurse, Physiotherapists) as District wise, Block wise and Village wise and also able to get the Village wise exact populationion.

Learning Management System
The Learning Management system is used to conduct training for different levels of staff involved in TN-PHR, Learners can be able to access this training at their convenience of time

Helpdesk Software
Helpdesk software is a bug tracking tool that is used to raise, monitor, and track issues regarding the admin portal, TN-PHR Community App, and Learning Management System.

Social Network
All social networks will be used to distribute the information and news. All platforms will provide updates on the most recent PHR news.

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TN-PHR’s Message
TNPHR in numbers
தமிழ்நாட்டில் உள்ள அனைத்து மக்களின் நலனை பாதுகாக்க மக்கள் நலப் பதிவு (Population Health Registry) என்னும் சுகாதார தகவல் இயங்குதளம் உருவாக்கப்படும்.
தமிழ்நாட்டில் உள்ள அனைத்து மக்களின் நலனை பாதுகாக்க மக்கள் நலப் பதிவு (Population Health Registry) என்னும் சுகாதார தகவல் இயங்குதளம் (Health IT Platform) தனி மனித சுகாதார அடையாள எண்ணுடன் (Unique Health Identification Number) ஒருங்கிணைக்கப்பட்டு, சுகாதாரம் சார்ந்த நடவடிக்கைகள், நிகழ்நேர தரவுசார் முடிவுகள் (Data Driven Decision Making) எடுக்கப்பட்டு மாநில சுகாதார தரம் (SDG State Health Index) மேம்படுத்தப்படும்.